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Women in STEM and The Scully Effect


Did you know...         

Women who watched "The X-Files" were 50% more likely to fall under the "Scully Effect"?

That is to say, they were inspired by Dana Scully, the iconic character from "The X-Files," to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.

Scully, played by Gillian Anderson, was a brilliant FBI agent and medical doctor, and as "the only female STEM character in a prominent, primetime television role” at the time, she served as a role model for countless girls and women and became an excellent reminder of the importance of visibility and representation in the workplace, particularly in the world of women in STEM.

In the 2018 study from the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media which showed that women who watched "The X-Files" were 50% more likely to pursue careers STEM, they also found 91% of women who were familiar with the X-files character, said she was a role model for girls and women and close to two-thirds (63%) of women that worked in STEM said Dana Scully was their role model, reaffirming what we already know, "you can't be what you can't see".

Despite the impact of Scully and much progress over the last two decades, women in STEM continue to face challenges. Women are typically given smaller research grants than their male colleagues, in cutting edge fields such as artificial intelligence, only one in five professionals (22%) is a woman and despite a shortage of skills, women still account for only 28% of engineering graduates and 40% of graduates in computer science and informatics (source: UN Chronicle)

So if visible and relatable representation is effective in encouraging future generations to explore STEM careers, who are this generation’s Scullys?

Learn more and read the full study at Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media

Posted by: Escape Recruitment Services