Health & Safety and Occupational Health
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We work directly with employers in engineering, manufacturing, chemicals and food and drink as well as office-based businesses and specialist external agencies to find the right professionals for their organisation on both a temporary and permanent basis, creating career opportunities for:
Health & Safety Advisors, Health & Safety Managers, EHS Officers, Safety Engineers, Occupational Health Nurses, Technicians, Advisors and Managers, Absence Case Managers, Health Surveillance and Promotion Offices and Medical Administrators.
To find out how our teams can support you in finding your next career opportunity within Health & Safety or Occupational Health, or for our help in finding the right individual to join your team, get in touch with our specialist recruiters below.
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Meet our Recruiters
Why Escape?
With over 20 years working with Scotland's leading manufacturers and engineers, we understand the wide range of H&S and OH requirements each organisation faces. Our recruiters will work with you to understand your environment, risks and culture to ensure we get the right team in place.
Career Opportunities?
Looking to take your next step, change industry or simply ready for a fresh challenge? Our recruiters have Health & Safety and Occupational Health opportunities with a range of employers across Scotland.