Technical & Production Management
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Across our varied client base the requirement for effective Technical and Production management and leadership has never been more important than it is today. We frequently work on assignments to source experienced and or aspirational managers and leaders to work with and support engineering, design & development and associated teams.
We have opportunities for people who can both manage and lead, those who can ensure output is achieved, goals are met and quality is maintained, as well as those who can support, develop, and influence modern, success-oriented cultures within the various disciplines of production, design and manufacturing.
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Why Escape?
Organisations need both managers and leaders. The responsibilities, relationships and style of these roles do differ, even when job titles may not. At Escape, we know the difference. So if you’re hiring for your senior teams, get in touch and let us help find the right individual for you.
Career Development?
We work with employers across Scotland. From market leaders and global brands to SMEs and start-ups, each with unique opportunities for their senior team. Whether you're a technical professional ready to move into management or a people manager in a technical environment, let's talk you about your career & our opportunities.