Accountancy & Finance
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Our Accountancy & Finance recruiters work with employers across various industry sectors, creating career opportunities for part-qualified, finalist and qualified Accountants as well as many others within Transactional Finance including Accountancy Support, Ledger Management, Credit Management and Control, Specialist Senior positions such as CFO and other key commercial finance opportunities.
As recruiters for temporary, contract and permanent Accountancy and Finance professionals, get in touch if you are looking for the next opportunity in your career or if you are looking to find the right individual for your team.
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Meet our Accountancy & Finance Recruiters
Why Escape?
No matter your size or sector, our recruiters can help you find the right Accountancy & Finance professional for you, be it a stand-alone individual to manage your day-to-day transactions or a specialist to join your team or advice on commercial finance issues.
Career Development?
Looking to take your next step, change industry or simply ready for a fresh challenge? Our recruiters have permanent and interim opportunities with leading employers across Scotland.