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Supporting Mental Health in Every Step of the Job Search – Tips for Jobseekers and Employers


This World Mental Health Day let’s look at how jobseekers and employers alike can support mental well-being throughout the recruitment process. From the first job search to settling into a new role, each stage has unique stressors, and a supportive approach can make all the difference.

Looking for Jobs

For Jobseekers:

Searching for a new role can be exciting but also draining. Set realistic daily goals for yourself and build in breaks rather than spending hours searching nonstop. This reduces overwhelm and will help keep motivation and focus high. Also, prioritising companies with clear commitments to employee well-being could also be win a long term for you!

Helpful Resource: Finding a Job is Stressful. Here’s How to Get Through it.

For Hirers:

Recognise that jobseekers may be balancing their current role as well as many other challenges along with their job search. Keep the application process clear and manageable, avoiding extensive or redundant steps that may deter great candidates. Where possible, provide realistic timelines so applicants know what to expect.


Writing Your CV

For Jobseekers:

Highlight accomplishments that resonate with you personally as well as professionally. This makes your CV authentic and aligned with your values, which is a big plus for mental well-being in the long run. Keep things concise—recognising what’s most important and editing down to focus on those can be a good way to minimise stress, stay focused and keep your CV impactful. 

Helpful Resource: Guide to CV Writing

For Hirers:

Make the requirements for your job clear in your advert, and avoid excessive or vague requirements that can lead to unnecessary pressure on applicants. This also encourages quality applications over quantity, giving candidates confidence that they’re the right fit.

Helpful Resource: Escape Blog: The Gender Confidence Gap

Preparing for Interviews

For Jobseekers:

Interviews can be stressful, so preparation is key. Practise answering common questions but don’t rehearse too much—authenticity and honesty about what you’re looking for will help you gauge fit as much as the employer. Breathing exercises before the interview can also help settle nerves. 

Helpful Resource: Breathing exercises for stress

For Hirers:

Aim to make interviews a supportive experience by explaining the structure beforehand and thinking about how you will begin your interview to ensure you put candidates at ease before asking questions. Showing genuine interest in their responses can help reduce their anxiety, leading to more genuine discussions and better insights.

Helpful Resource: Escape Blog: We don’t ask about 2020

Handing in Your Notice

For Jobseekers:

This stage can bring mixed emotions. Be prepared to feel a range of feelings, from excitement to doubt. If you are working with a recruiter, this can be an area they can help you with from planning out what you are going to say to how to feel confident in your communication as well as acting as a point of support during your notice period. Remind yourself. it’s helpful to focus on the positives of the new role rather than lingering on uncertainties. 

Helpful Resource: ACAS Guide to Resigning Professionally

For Hirers: 

When a valued employee resigns, it’s essential to handle it with understanding and professionalism. Give them the space to leave on good terms, which benefits both parties as you are much more likely to get support from your departing colleague in transitioning duties over to new staff. Additionally, a positive transition reflects well on you and your employer brand, as departing employees may refer new talent to you in future or at least speak well of you as an employer to others.

Starting a New Job

For Jobseekers:

Starting fresh comes with excitement, but of course it’s normal to feel nervous. Perhaps focus on learning the ropes gradually rather than aiming to prove yourself immediately. Establish a healthy work-life balance from day one, and give yourself permission to ask questions and for support when needed. 

Helpful Resource: Ways to Handle New Job Anxiety

For Hirers:

Supporting new hires can help them settle in faster and more confidently. Pair them with a buddy for the first month and regularly check in to address any concerns they may have. An approachable atmosphere makes a significant difference in mental well-being, and will support long term employee retention.

Helpful Resource: How To Incorporate Mental Health In Onboarding From Day One

Prioritising mental well-being throughout the job search and recruitment process is mutually beneficial for both jobseekers and employers and when working with a recruiter, each party has an additional source of support to ensure the journey from candidate to employee is as stress-free and positive as possible. With these mindful approaches and an open-dialogue between the parties, we can work together to create a healthier, more supportive work environment from the start. 

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Posted by: Escape Recruitment Services